Önkormányzati Hivatali Portál

Zalalövo címere


2025.02.22., szombat - Gerzson

Industrial park



The small town is located in the valley of Zala river, along the main road No. 86. The ancient Amber road, which has formed the economic conditions, trade of the settlements along it since the Roman times, has given a considerable role for Zalalövő – that was called Salla by the Romans -, too. The population of Zalalövő is 3.350 heads now. Slovenia is 30 km, Croatia is 65 km, Austria is 35 km far from Zalalövő.

Planned Development Directions of the Industrial Park of Zalalövő


Zalalövő intends to make more efficient the development concept of the industrial park by enforcing the advantages originated from the geographic conditions as a settlement lying in the point of junction of the axis Zalaegerszeg-Őriszentpéter of the section of the main road No. 86, which connects Körmend with Rédics.

It intends in it a considerable role for the investments of logistic feature. The working up of the necessary infrastructure for the development has been completed. The start of the real investment is expected for 2008. The spot, which offers both railway and road transportation, can be considered a successful transport condition.

The project of the petrol station and vehicle examination basis, that is planned in the north-western part of the Industrial Park, also based on the frequented location. Its construction will start probably in 2007.

The investment to be implemented on the area of 5 ha aimes at settling other service activities (catering, etc.), too.

The implementation of the planned building material store also refers to the western side of the main road. The start of the operation is expected for the middle of the next year.

The investment can considerably stimulate the trade connections with the near Őrség, Göcsej and Vasi Hegyhát (Ridge of the hills of Vas) regions.

The intensity of the investment intensions is shown also by the horticultural project to be started in 2008, which can organically connect to the logistic developments. The enterprise – that will be realized on 12 ha - plans the naturalization of a tomato culture that is cultivated by a greenhouse technology and the continuous forwarding of the fruits to the market. Over and above the enlargement of the employment it creates also a favourable position for the export possibilities. It would mean the wide range distribution of an agricultural product that is really considerable even on EU level.

In summary we can say that the various project-plans of different features make possible developments of determinant importance in a way, through which the existing agricultural, wood- and printing industrial enterprises will get a better position by the enlargement of the traffic, logistic and export opportunities.

The reconstruction of the Körmend-Zalalövő section of the main road No.86 – that costs 400 million – also improves the infrastructural circumstances of the settling enterprises.

The future section of the main road, that will avoid the town, means a solution for making the considerable truck traffic expedient, beside saving the valuable parts untouched.

Although Szűcsmajor, the other southern pole of the town is quite far from the Industrial Park, we have to mention it because of the planned thermal investment, that will be implemented at the closing point of the by-pass of the main road No. 86 towards Rédics, and it can make the rich attraction of the settlement stronger by the bath complex of Roman times. Thus Zalalövő, that has good geographical conditions, becomes a dominant part of the region also in the aspects of economy and tourism.

Traffic connections

  • Helsinki railway corridor No.5
  • regional international airtraffic
  • the Adriatic ports are accessible


The establishment of the industrial park and the obtainment of the title has been undertaken by the municipality. No separate organizations have been established for the operation, the settled enterprises manage their business affairs by themselves. The municipality undertakes the coordination, the discussion with the potential investors and inform them also in the future. The development of the industrial park is thought by green-field investments and putting the ones into operation, which are currently in progress. The area of the industrial park is 28 ha at the moment.


  • The Adriatic ports, the international airports can be reached on the main road, and the large European towns through the corridor
  • Passenger train: within 1 km
  • Goods train: within 1 km


  • Sármellék 63 km
  • Budapest 240 km
  • Wienna 180 km
  • Zagreb 180 km

The road network: developed

Other features of the area

  • There is a valid arrangement plan concerning the area
  • It has the title ”Industrial Park”, which makes possible
  • to get further benefits both on state and local level.
  • The municipality of the town provides a trading tax benefit for the settling companies
  • Direct connection to the main road


The development cost of the electric power supply depends on the size of the plant, its energy demand and the operational costs.

Electric power supplier: E-ON Zrt.

The sewage system is available

Supplier: Zalavíz Zrt.

The drinking water is available

Supplier: Zalavíz Zrt.

Gas supply: the public utility network is available within the industrial park

Supplier: E-ON Zrt.

The telecommunication network is available.

Service providers: Magyar Telekom Zrt., Vodafone, Telenor


Trading tax

In the case of a permanent trading activity, the annual extent of the tax is 1.6% of the base of the tax.


The semi-skilled and skilled workers form the characteristic labour force of the region.

The education of all directions is assured in the region
